Wednesday, 17 August 2011

Is England ready for the Revolution in 2012-2013?

Since Pluto entered Capricorn we have seen the global financial markets collapse, more destructive earthquakes and volcanic eruptions that grounded airlines around the world. We have also seen ordinary people take to the street and fight their oppressive leaders of dictatorial governments in the Middle East (e.g. Egypt, Syria, Libya and Tunisa to name a few)...however where will the next revolution start (Uranus in Aries), with the continuing collapse of the global financial systems start in the UK?

England is vulnerable to a significant economic and political transformation in the next 2-3 years. Astrologically, with Pluto and Uranus being particularly active in Mr Camerons and England’s birthchart challenging times are ahead. So are the recent riots a warning of what is to come?

Everyone would agree the recent UK riots were shocking and devastating. For many people suffered the destruction of their businesses, property and families grieve for the loss of their loved ones. While in the aftermath everyone is now trying to piece this puzzle together as society tries to find meaning behind such violence and greed. When we combine human nature and tragedy we have to find someone to blame, the rioter’s greed, the government, poverty, parents, the list goes on. Although digressing for a moment. What I find most interesting about this debate is the usual knee jerk reaction by privileged politicians who lack empathy regarding the decay in our society whether it’s the greed of rioters or cultural deprivation. For example psychiatrists and psychologists used to study mentally ill patients to find out the causes behind mental illness, however they learned more about prevention when they studied people who did NOT have a mental illness – a shift in approach (Pluto in Capricorn or Uranus in Aries – novel ideas for change)?

Violent Britain
I am sure a lot of you are old enough to remember the race riots back in early 1980’s which was on a larger scale and longer period than last week’s riot’s. Thousands of people took to the streets in all major cities using demonstrations as a mask for violence clashing with opposing demonstrators and Police. We also had the miner’s strikes in the mid 1980’s which paralysed our country with Police road blocks and violent clashes between the picket lines and police. The poll tax riots destroyed central London shops with protestors having running battles with Police in the 1980’s. As a passionate footballer and supporter I saw the aftermath of violence on a horrific scale during the 1970’s every week year after year. Fans died on a regular basis being stabbed or beaten to death. In those days you were more worried about survival than watching your favourite team. You were constantly in fear of being attacked whether a home or at an away game, bearing in mind I was not even a teenager at the time and exposed to these levels of violence. Society on a global perspective has gang cultures, poverty and the wealth divide - so what is different about what happened last week and what has this anything to do with Pluto in Capricorn and Uranus in Aries?

Capricorn represents the economy, government infrastructure, authority and politics, while Pluto effect’s us through transformation, violence and crisis. Aries represents action, pioneers, enterprise, while Uranus effect’s us through shock, sudden change, inventions, revolution and humanitarian instincts. So it’s not surprising we are seeing uprisings and revolutions taking place against repressive governments and nations in the Middle East, however what might surprise some us is that this could spread to western society as we move into 2012 as people revolt against the repressive western culture, failure of government economic policies to maintain existing financial systems (greed).

As Pluto moves through Capricorn and Uranus in Aries in 2012 the world economy will undergo a shift of power as our financial systems are in decay with economic depression and increased anxiety governments will not be able to cling to existing structures. With more countries going bust and limited resources western culture will have to make radical changes especially when Uranus squares Pluto in 2012-2013. Although our resources (Capricorn) are at an all time low world-wide technology could bring us the answers with Uranus (invention/technology) in Aries (pioneering)...but this may come at great expense (Pluto) as politician’s fear of change and try to cling to power (Capricorn).

Pluto first conjuncts the Midheaven (MC) and the Sun of England’s chart during in Jan-July 2012 (June & July are peak months when Uranus makes a square aspect to the Midheaven). The possible outcomes could be social unrest on a bigger scale than last week, the breakup of the coalition, Cameron resigning (or pushed out by his own party), financial market meltdown, natural disaster, terrorist attack....or a fresh perspective – new financial structures (e.g. the greedy bankers/politicians or rioters no longer hold the power)..or even a radical new invention that transforms society (Uranus in Aries). What is interesting is that Neptune (deception/illusions) is square to England’s 2nd house cusp (finances) at the same time which could mean some sort of financial manipulation or financial scandal that rocks the country (deception) by politicians or collapse of the financial markets...although typically with Neptune involved it might be pushed under the carpet (deception)..only later to be revealed in Oct-Dec 2012...perhaps more about the Murdoch scandal linked to politicians?

However, the main events are more likely around April 2013 and Oct-Nov 2013...Jan 2014 would mark a new year with a new beginning – again a radical departure from existing financial structures or government policy. If there was an election during this time we could see the rise of the green party (well that would be radical). One thing is for certain if our politicians don’t change with the times and tackle our historical problems of greed and decay in society they won’t hold power for long! Radical new thinking and perspectives will provide an easier transformation of society; however being typically human we will opt for the most challenging route – why change the habit of a life time!


Are you destined for fame?

With TV reality programmes such as big brother and the x factor having such an impact on young people today it’s not surprising that we have created a generation that just aspire to become famous. To me fame is an exaggeration of people who want to feel special, unique, gain recognition and above seeking love and attention.

However, I thought it might be a good idea to start a discussion about the significant astrological factors in the birthchart that may indicate fame. First let’s look at some early scientific evidence that was produced in the 1950’s by Michael Gauqelin a psychologist and statistician. Although he took an interest in astrology at a very early age he was opposed to the use of astrology. In his research into astrology he studied the diurnal distribution of the planets in thousands of accurately timed birthcharts. His work in the mid fifties demonstrated that people who were well known for their success in a particular profession would have either the Moon, Mars, Jupiter or Saturn placed in a specific area of the birthchart e.g. 3rd, 6th, 9th and 12th houses. The conclusions of this study indicated that cadent houses (3rd, 6th, 7th, 12th) were more significant than angular houses (1st, 4th, 7th and 10th) when determining the career or character than previously suspected.

1.    Moon was found in cadent houses in the charts of writers and politicians
2.    Mars was found in cadent houses in the charts of military leaders, physicians, top sports people and executives.
3.    Jupiter was found in cadent houses in the charts of actors, playwrights, politicians, military leaders, top executives and journalists.
4.    Saturn was found in cadent houses in the charts of scientists and physicians.

Through my experience as an astrologer I have found specific factors in people’s charts who seek fame. The planet Neptune is usually strongly placed in the birthchart because it is connected with unreality, illusion, glamour, seduction, fantasy, music, dance, acting, modelling, the arts or the dreamer personality.  Many famous people have found fame difficult to live with having their life exposed 24/7 to the public and due to its illusionary and deceptive nature. When it gets too much to handle self-destructive tendencies (Neptune) emerge through addiction, excessive alcohol or through a scandal. The nature of fame increases pressure on individuals to perform to perfection. This is to ensure they have a high profile position in society, however, this can be very challenging to maintain 24/7. Neptune is like fame due to its illusionary nature - one moment your famous the next you’re forgotten like yesterday’s news! There is also strong link to people who become famous and have Sun-Neptune in aspect in their birthchart. People with this aspect have a very vivid imagination, are creative, attracted to glamour or a spiritual ideal, a dreamer, artistic or saviour...but can also be self-destructive through drug use, playing the victim due to an absent father, abuse or neglect. Some famous people who have Sun-Neptune aspect: Susan Sarandon, Christina Aguilera, Michael Douglas, Jennifer Aniston, Kevin Costner, Cameron Diaz, Sheena Easton, Mick Jagger, Farrah Fawcett, Muhammad Ali, Paul McKenna and Amy Whitehouse.

Apart from Sun-Neptune the sign Leo can be associated with fame especially if the moon (popularity) is placed in Leo and near a critical angle of the birthchart. For example Margaret Thatcher has Moon-Neptune conjunct in Leo (cadent house 9th) but conjunct her MC indicating fame...while Saturn on her ascendant in Scorpio (authoritarian/dictator). Sometimes fame can be shown through the planet that rules the ascendant sign (e.g Pluto is rulership for Scorpio). Paul McKenna has Scorpio rising and Pluto conjunct his Midheaven (MC) which could signify a rise to prominence. Tony Blair has Mars-Jupiter in Gemini conjunct his ascendant an excellent placement for a lawyer, politician, military leader and communicator.

However I have only covered about 1% of this interesting yet complex subject plus have only provided a few examples to whet your appetite. To provide and accurate assessment you need to know your full birth date, exact time of birth and place of birth. The astrologer then needs to assess the different planetary configurations in your chart. Usually I find that if you have a planet near the ascendant or midheaven (MC) it will transform your life when activated by planetary transits, (Jupiter, Saturn, Uranus, Neptune and Pluto) or progressions and converse directions (Sun, Mercury, Venus, Mars or ruling planet). The late Ronald Davison states in his book Technique of prediction that only permanent fame can be achieved under solar progressions and converse directions.

Let me know your thoughts or astrological experiences.


Micheal Gauquelin           

Sasportas.H., The Twelve houses 1985 Thorsons, London

Davidson.R., Technique of Prediction 1955 Fowler, London

Understanding a relationship crisis through astrology

Relationships are a key aspect to life, whether we love, hate or fear them. Everything is great when we feel such a unique connection with a partner. If we hit bad times economically this usually puts a strain even on the best relationships, however some of us are mystified when out of the blue someone breaks up with us and our world becomes a fearful and terrible place. Some of us may just accept the traumatic changes we experience while others may seek a solution to see if we can get things back on track or perhaps more damagingly we cling desperately to the relationship like we will die if we let go.

For some of us we experience repetitive negative astrological patterns through our life making the same decisions and attracting the same type of partner/destructive relationship..our brain is saying I must change but emotionally we carry on a journey of self-destruction or the illusion of perfection.
For this blog I would like to give you an astrological perspective of a relationship crisis using the planets of change, illusion and transformation Uranus, Neptune and Pluto.

When our life is turned upside down such as losing a job, a death of a loved one or the breakup of a major relationship Uranus, Neptune or Pluto may be influencing your astrological chart because these are the planets that transform lives through crisis. They are a catalyst to opening us to see new opportunities or learning something new about ourselves that was hidden. Sometimes it is only through pain and crisis that we change or see things differently.  However, we first we have to let go of something we treasure or something we have outgrown – if we cling to the past and familiar it can be a very painful experience. It is rare for any of us to see the positive side of what feels is such a traumatic experience. Instead we become interwoven with feelings of despair and suffering. The light at the end of the tunnel is barely visible and no matter what someone tells us we still live in a place of fear, rejection and low self-esteem. At this low point we either want things to go back to how they were - clinging to our last grasp. However just when we are about to lose hope and faith suddenly something changes within us, a glimmer of hope or a small action that take engages us in the world again as we see a glimmer of light...the sun is’s a new dawn and a new day and the start of a new life. Before we know it we start to reflect on our spiritual journey of pain and suffering, but for some reason we don’t feel the same way. Instead we have changed our perspective of the world and start to live our life with wonder and excitement as we embark on another glorious journey of self-discovery. However, for some of us that have deeper psychological issues may feel trapped, bitter, angry, resentful and judgemental.

Although Uranus, Neptune and Pluto bring personal crisis how does this work through our astrological chart?

Uranus – Shock, sudden awakening, independence, unconventional

Neptune- Illusion, perfection, fantasy, deception, victim, saviour

Pluto – Death, transformation, obsession, compulsion

Ok so let’s link these planets with Venus (harmony/love/affection) obviously the interpretation will alter depending on the planets position in the chart by sign and house position and by planetary aspect.

I also look at transiting planets of Uranus, Neptune and Pluto (Transits are planets that impact your chart on a daily basis) All aspects are interpreted in a relationship context

Venus – Uranus
Harmony may be expressed through unconventional attachments and they love the excitement of the start of a relationship...but may not be good for the long term unless the excitement is maintained...Uranus does not like people getting too close or they push them away. This is usually because they fear rejection or just love variety. You and your partner may live is separate homes but still love each other...a good aspect for long distance relationships.

Transiting Uranus to Venus
You may meet someone new, suddenly or unexpectedly – they may blow you away with excitement! In an existing relationship you need to add something new or make it more exciting..sometimes this might happen by meeting someone else who is exciting and different – this makes your partner look very boring...or you may be on the end of rejection by your partner walking out suddenly or they may want space and time on their own. Divorce or separation or being apart for some reason is also likely e.g like a partner has a new job and needs to work away from home.

Venus – Neptune
They are true romantics, a person who is easily influenced by glamour, fantasy and perfection.
Their criteria for when selecting a partner. Everyone they fall in love with is the person they will spend the rest of their life with. On the other hand they may seek spiritual love and platonic relationships, transcending the relationship to a higher level..only later to disillusioned that their Guru is a conman/woman. When Neptune is involved with any planet there is always a sense of unreality, deception or self-deception. You might be the saviour seeking partners who have had challenging issues in their past – or you might become the victim gaining attention from others with a tall of woe...all men are bad!!

Transiting Neptune to Venus
It seems so perfect everything about him/her – and such a powerful connection...yet as time passes the imperfections emerge from the surface creating disillusions, self-deception and confusion. You might just fantasise about someone but always afraid to ask them out because they might reject your advances or shatter the illusion of the perfect lover. However, this could be the most romantic time of your life where love blossoms and emotional fulfilment reaches the highest level – although difficult to maintain. This aspect is typical for the clandestine affair (deception) or a relationship that is kept secret - this may add to the excitement. This is also a time when we could feel most portrayed through an unfaithful partner or finding out some indiscretion that cannot be healed – yet tormented emotionally by the memories.

Intense relationships – fated to meet! Perhaps even love each other before in a past live but have met again to resolve past issues. Relationships are driven by sexual intensity – undercurrents of powerful feelings. It’s like if you leave you partner for a moment you might die..only when you are together are you alive – such intensity emerges feelings of jealously and possessiveness. Sometime this aspect can develop into a battle field of power, emotional blackmail or at worst violence even rape. Pluto brings out the dark side of our nature or the skeleton from the family closet!...some people with this aspect find it difficult to have a normal sex life (if there is such a thing)..or sex is taboo. A stalker may have this aspect due to its connection to obsession and compulsion.

Transiting Pluto to Venus
Old relationships die and new ones begin, sometime through a secret affair or chance meeting with someone. It’s about transforming your perspective on relationships, perhaps the awakening of your darker side where you explore your deep sexual/emotional drives...quite intoxicating, compulsive or it becomes an obsession. People usually find it very difficult to separate from their loved ones under this aspect and usually apply desperate measures to hold on to them because unconsciously they think they will die without them. Sometimes someone close actually dies creating feelings of powerlessness - your feelings will be over whelming and intense. The process is usually about letting go and making a new beginning with a fresh perspective.

The above descriptions are just some possible outcomes I am sure other members will suggest others. Importantly you need to view the whole astrological chart (using your full birth date, time and place of birth) before making any suggestions..but at least it gives you a brief guide of understanding a relationship crisis through astrology.

A Scientific Case for Proving ESP


After reflecting on the comments and debate regarding my recent blog titled - Are Psychics Misunderstood or Fraudulent? For members who did not read this blog it was about how fraud is having a serious impact on the paranormal market and whether the introduction of effective scientific evidence based testing and monitoring for paranormal practitioners and better government legislation would help eradicate these practices. Although there are many claims from parapsychologist that ESP (extra sensory perception) exists in society scientists argue their research methods are flawed because results cannot be repeated by other independent parties. While some sections of the paranormal community may argue that science does not have the right tools to identify ESP. In this blog I will be discussing a new scientific method that offers parapsychologists and scientists a new way to study ESP that avoids the pitfalls of past approaches.

Historical Background
From a historical context where did it prophecy and divination start?  Well Astrology was perhaps the first divination system based on the celestial bodies (Sun, Moon and planets of our solar system) which was developed by the Chaldeans priests around 6,000 BC. Clay tablets show that around 3800BC they were able to create accurate measurements of the Sun and Moon. However, evidence of lunar phases which were carved on animal bones date back as far as 16,000 BC well before the development of agriculture in 10,000BC+.

The first prophecy divination dates back to 8BC.  A priestess called Pythia known as the Oracle of Delphi delivered the prophecies by inducing vapours rising from what could be described as a seismic ground rupture in the rock surface. From the past to the present day prophecies have been interwoven within the human psyche across different cultures worldwide. So it seems strange that in the technological age of the 21st century we have not been able to interrogate ESP scientifically?

The Challenges
The scientific community is a main barrier to successful research because so many scientists already show bias against psychic phenomena. For example a survey by the National Academy of Sciences (1990) found that only 2% of participants thought that psychic abilities had been scientifically demonstrated, with another 2% thinking that the phenomena happened sometimes. With 96% against it seems a tall order to gain satisfactory results from the scientific community. However, there may be light at the end of the tunnel. In January 2011 it was reported on ABC news that well know psychologist Daryl Bern from Cornell University found prove that ESP exists. His ESP Study was even published in a scientific journal. In his study he used a computer programme testing 1000 subjects over an eight year period. 53% demonstrated the ability to perceive things correctly before they happened which is 3% above chance. Although this might seem a small percentage it is still significant. This is a step in the right direction but are there new technologies that would create a bench mark or standard for ESP scientific testing.

Is fMRI – Neuro-imaging the answer?
Functional magnetic resonance imaging (fMRI) is used mainly in hospitals. They are sophisticated electronic scanners which use very powerful magnets to create images of what is happening inside our body. This technology has opened new doors for medicine and has provided a new tool for neuroscience to study the brain. If we work with the assumption that all human experience mediates from the brain then there should be some sort on neurological pattern or activity triggered within the brain when someone is experiencing ESP. Now I know some psychics may think that this limits their gift to normal brain activity and that there might be another reason which is at the moment unexplained. However we have to start somewhere, so why not with the brain – even if it is a process of elimination. This technological innovation has helped to develop sophisticated techniques for psychologists and neuroscientists. For example in the past it has been difficult to classify the level of empathy in individuals and was dependent on questionnaires design. This led to unreliable research outcomes as they were based on subjective responses. For example psychopaths who have a zero level of empathy could be found to have normal levels of empathy when completing a questionnaire. However by using fMRI techniques neuroscientists are now able to discover people’s level of empathy accurately by inducing physical pain and the use of imagery while participant’s brains are being scanned. What is most interesting is that psychopaths cannot deceive this methodology and are classified as having zero levels of empathy. At present fMRI is being used for many different commercial practices from understanding how people react to advertising, films and television programmes as well identifying the reasons behind various medical conditions.

Biello. D (2007) Searching for God in the Brain used fMRI techniques to discover where religious feelings come from by testing Nuns, Buddhists and other people of faith. Some scientists speculate that religious feelings may arise from unusual electrical activity in the brain’s temporal lobe.

Ok this is all interesting stuff but has there been fMRI studies regarding ESP? Yes - Moulton and Kosslyn (2008) from Harvard University. Their results were published in the Journal of Cognitive Neuroscience (summary of findings).  Although the study provides the strongest evidence yet obtained against the existence of ESP. It does not conclusively prove that ESP does not exist. Moulton said “Perhaps most important, this study offers scientists a new way to study ESP that avoids the pitfalls of past approaches”.

Based on this recent innovation in ESP research I really believe that fMRI holds the answers to revealing scientific evidence that ESP exists  - whether it is contained within our brain or through some other source or mechanism connected to our body.


Daryl Bern (2011) Cornell University

Mouton & Kosslyn (2008)

Campion. N. (1989) An introduction to the history of astrology, Faculty of Astrological Studies, London

Biello. D (2007) Searching for God in the Brain, Scientific American, Mind. Vol 18, Number 5 October/November 2007, New York, USA

Parker.J, Parker.D (2001) Parkers Astrology, Dorling Kindersley, London, England

National Academy of Sciences Survey (1990)

Astrology in action - Rupert Murdoch’s Media Empire - Will he survive?

Will the biggest media scandal destroy Murdoch’s media empire? In this blog using Murdoch’s astrological chart I will attempt to unravel the underlying problems of Murdoch’s empire through key progressions and potential timing of key events. First let’s look at some of main factors of his chart. With Capricorn rising and ruler Saturn conjunct the 2nd cusp shows someone who will work very hard to accumulate money and possessions through fear of  not having enough...when we see that Saturn opposes Mars - Pluto it presents a tough, determined and ruthless person in the pursuit of power. It also represents his tough childhood even though his family were wealthy...His parents would have been very strict, authoritarian and would have had his life planned out... I doubt whether his parents showed much affection - the age of 3, 6 and 9 would have been very challenging (Saturn-Pluto-Mars) for his family (Cancer). His father died when he was 22, progressed Sun (father) conjunct Uranus (Sudden change). He then took over the family business News Limited which was very successful.

Personality wise he has great survival (Mars-Saturn-Pluto) instincts (cancer) and will fight (Mars-Pluto) to the end in a determined and perhaps ruthless and confident fashion (Mars – Pluto) while making enemies during the process 7th house (relationships). This planetary combination is intensified through Jupiter’s influence. Pluto makes a conjunction with Jupiter in Cancer (family) in the 7th (relationships)..this exaggerates (Jupiter) the need for power (Pluto) within the family (Cancer). It’s not surprising that he is ranked 13th most powerful person in the world in the Forbes' The World's Most Powerful People list 2010. With a net worth of US$6.3 billion, he is ranked 117th wealthiest person in the world.

It will have be interesting to know the type of experiences he encounters when Jupiter (expands), Saturn (limits), Uranus (reforms), Neptune, (dissolves), and Pluto (transforms) influenced this dynamic planetary combination of Saturn in opposition to the Mars-Pluto-Jupiter conjunction. His Jupiter-Pluto combination is about thinking big, being the speculator and gaining big investments. It is likely to be found in successful entrepreneurs charts because is the contact is about risk and expansion (Jupiter) and beginnings and power (Pluto).  Ok so we have explored some of the key aspect patterns that provide the platform for Murdoch’s media empire and global domination. What might surprise people is that he is very talented in negotiations and has great intuition (Sun-Mercury in Pisces trine Jupiter and Pluto). His worldwide fame (Neptune-Midheaven) comes from Moon (Public) rising in Sagittarius (Entrepreneur).

Ok so what’s happening now and why is his empire involved in such a big scandal? Let’s go back to 6 and 3 years ago when his progressed Sun in Gemini (media/communications) made a square to Neptune (deception) in Virgo (employees). It’s very possible that he may have been aware of the problems occurring within his own company and decided to cover it up (Neptune). In 2011 Neptune opposes his progressed ascendant in Pisces...this type of aspect is very likely to appear when deception is exposed. What is interesting is that he may believe that he is above criticism and can brush away the problem due to his position of power and influence (converse Mercury opposing Jupiter and Pluto conjunction). President Nixon had his Mercury-Jupiter-Pluto combination activated during the Watergate crisis. I am sure that when the investigation has been completed we will find some kind of cover up (Neptune opposition Ascendant).

We can also look back at the lunar Eclipse in June 2011 at 23 degrees Sagittarius which conjuncts his Moon (public) in the 12th house (self-undoing, hidden) - also Cancer on the 8th cusp (Police investigation). The Neptune opposition Ascendant is activated in October 2011 so expect more revelations around the autumn 2011 and in 2012-13..yes it not finished yet! The problem that may occur is that his other interests may be hit hard which could impact the Sun, Sunday Times, Times and his takeover of BSkyb.

In fact  new scandals may appear during the next 12-18 months plus his health may suffer (Neptune-Ascendant) so in all he will find the next 18 months the most challenging of his life...especially with all his enemies (Mars-Pluto) trying to put oil on the fire.

Please not I have not looked at all the different planetary configurations but focussed on some of the most obvious ones. Let me know if you want to know more...or even if you have other theories would be great to hear from you

Do Astrologers use Intuition?

Before answering this question we first need to establish or define what is astrology? Probably the best way I would describe astrology is that it is like to our human DNA a complex pattern that is fixed at birth. The astrological chart is a snap shot of the celestial bodies of our solar system as they move through the ecliptic and zodiac belt. Using a person’s full birth date, location and exact time of birth the astrological chart is calculated using astronomical data of the planetary positions, astrological signs and houses (a division of space and time).

As you can see there is a defined structure to astrology based on three core principles planets (psychological drives), signs (expression/attitudes) and houses (fields of life experience). It is through the combination and interaction of these three core principles depends on how an astrologer will perceive and synthesis astrological symbolism into a coherent reading. However, beyond this point it’s also down to personal preferences of how an astrologer interprets an astrological chart. In fact I have rarely seen two astrologers providing the same reading like for like from the same chart but that does not mean one is right and the other wrong – just different perspectives.  How can this happen if there are standard principles? Ok let’s take an example - an astrologer’s interpretation will be different depending on the type of house system used when calculating the astrological chart. Each house system provides a different perspective of the individual just like we all have our own individual perspective of reality. However, the house system is selected from either personal preference, research or through astrological experience. Therefore the astrologer can interpret an astrological chart from many different perspectives using the same three principles and so it’s through experience and practice of sound astrological techniques that makes the astrologer provide accurate reading rather than intuition.

Although years ago I really thought that when I was doing an astrological reading I used some sort of intuition but as my experience has grown I know this to be untrue. I believe to be a great astrologer you need to really understand the basic principles of astrology really well and have confidence in this knowledge when interpreting a chart and never deviate from these core principle meanings. So if intuition does not have a role in astrology why do I get a gut reaction, thoughts or feeling that come in my mind when interpreting a chart? Well the mind is a great tool for linking thinks together and making connections just like people do when they come up with an invention. But more than this our whole life is about narrative and storytelling whether it si through a formal journal, conversation or telling someone what you did today. It’s a way of how we develop meaning in our to me an astrologer needs to be a great story teller who has unconsciously developed their techniques over the years through interpreting thousands of charts. The astrologer also learns so much from feedback after from a client a reading whether it is to confirm things that were accurate or not. So when people ask me do astrologers use intuition? I say is just great storytelling based on three core principles.

Has modern technology improved the delivery of psychic readings and meets client’s expectations?

To some this blog may seem controversial and is not a dig at premium phone line service providers; however, I think is important to open debate on critical trends that have a serious impact on the performance of clairvoyants, mediums, psychics, astrologers, tarot readers etc and more importantly their impact on client’s expectations.

I reminisce about the good old days of being an astrologer at the great psychic fairs in Birmingham, London, Bristol, Manchester and Liverpool from 1980-1984. The atmosphere at the Psychics and Mystics fair in Birmingham was overwhelming, sparking public curiosity and discovery. I was the only astrologer at the fair mainly because no one had the patience or speed to calculate an astrological chart. As many readers will know when psychic fairs are busy it creates a much pressurised environment for psychics. As soon as one reading is finished there is some else sitting in the chair opposite you looking at you with curiosity, anticipation and eager for you to tell them something magical! Being an astrologer who had to calculate charts before I could do the reading was challenging but introduced an effective appointment basis. Some friends volunteered to take peoples details and the £5.00 for the reading – yes it was £5.00 in those days for a reading! I managed to calculate and draw a chart from anywhere in the world in fifteen minutes ready for the next client to read their chart. However, I doubt very much I would be able to achieve this speed and accuracy today, especially as I now rely on my astrological software to calculate a client’s chart, which is done in a flash! Astrological software has been around for sometime going back to the early 1980’s but perhaps was not widely used until the mid 1990’s.

I might sound like a Luddite fearing technology, however, I actually design digital media technology solutions and have a master’s degree in Design & Digital Media plus I will be starting my PhD in the autumn “creating powerful actor and audience empathic connection and better cinematic experiences”. Sorry for let’s get back on track.

By 1990 there was a surge in 0900 telephone services perhaps mainly driven by the porn industry but it was not long before you could have a psychic reading over the telephone, be it paying a premium cost of a £1.00 a minute for the privilege! In 1991 I decided to be a reader on one of these phone line services in Birmingham. Although an astrologer I had invented my own astrological cards in 1983 and thought this would be the right medium (forgive the pun) for this service. After my interview providing a few readings for the management team I was hired. Not quite sure how much I earned but I think it was around £3.50 an hour, which these days would not pay for your local bus fare, hardly going to make me rich. As I was used to the pressurised environment of the psychic fairs I thought this would be a doddle. However, this was a more challenging than I had expected, let me explain further. There were about ten phone lines in a very small room doing a 4 hour shift I think may be longer. The process was to pick up the first phone available so it was like musical chairs at busy times. There was a great camaraderie amongst the group, in the quite periods we would give each other quick readings until one of the managers came in and gave us a piece of his mind if you get what I mean! I was surprised how well I did and feedback was really good but I could not sustain the pressure of constantly being on the phone, reading after reading. It was like a fast production line, mentally exhausting, probably a similar experience to the battery hen producing eggs! However, I thought I was the lucky one because I had managed to do the longest readings which meant that I did less clients and therefore less stressful. However, I decided to leave - they wanted me to stay perhaps because I did longer readings, but it was not for me for various reasons apart from the pressure and mental stress. At this time clients could still get a psychic or astrological reading face to face for about (1hr) £15-£20. Ok I was aware that the service provider had to make a significant contribution to the telephone service provider so it was not as if they were necessarily making a fortune. However, to me the process seemed to degrade the whole experience of a psychic/astrological reading. How can you create a true receptive state under so much pressure?  One the other hand it provided the client easy access to a psychic reader but having a good face to face meeting robs the client from having the traditional magical experience!  Since the early 1990’s the high premium telephone lines have blossomed during the emergence of the internet phenomena with online services including: instant messaging, email, skype (free online calls worldwide), video conferencing, psychic radio stations and psychic TV programmes which support premium line services.

Although people can say these services exploit the vulnerable in our society I also feel for the psychic who is under immense pressure from a demanding client who expects an accurate reading on demand who may not tolerate a few moments for the psychic to gather their thoughts or layout some cards. Society has changed with technology advances as clients expect immediate results and are perhaps more likely to be disappointed due to unrealistic expectations within tight timeframes.

This is quite a challenge for psychics and perhaps not the best environment to tune into a client and create receptive state. Fortunately being an astrologer we don’t tune into anyone we just interpret the astrological symbolism like a language. I know someone who is an excellent clairvoyant and numerologist who finds it a very challenging process to tune in with the client on her psychic radio programme due to the speed of the process.

Another issue is with easier access to psychics and astrologers, will it encourage the vulnerable to use these services more and than they would have done in the past at the traditional psychic fairs? Are these services really adding value to the psychics, readings and above all client experience or is there a better solution for the psychic/astrologer to provide a professional service? With Uranus in Aries we will see many new forms of technology and will Neptune in Pisces take psychic readings to a new level of sophistication and spirituality regardless of the technology available? 

Will Christchurch Suffer Devastating Earthquakes in December 2011, 2012 and 2013?

As another lunar eclipse approached with the usual hype my attention was diverted to something far more interesting, the second earthquake in Christchurch, New Zealand, on June 13th 2011. During my investigation I was surprised to hear that New Zealand experiences 20,000 earthquakes a year but only 200 are strong enough to be felt. However, Christchurch had not been at the epicentre of an earthquake until recently. In this blog I intend to cover the three main earthquakes in 2010 -2011 and suggest the possibility of potentially more devastating earthquakes in December 2011, 2012 and 2013 due to the transits of Uranus in Aries and Pluto in Capricorn. The first earthquake in Christchurch stuck on September 4th 2010 with a magnitude of 7.1 with the epicentre 25 miles west of Christchurch. There were sixty three aftershocks with three being around the 5.2 magnitude. The second was the most devastating to the centre of Christchurch on 22nd February 2011.  Although the magnitude was less at 6.3 it had a shallow depth and a vertical shaking estimated to three times greater than would be expected in a 1 in 500 year earthquake. With the epicentre only 6 miles from the centre of the town it is not surprising that this was the worst earthquake in New Zealand’s history with a death toll of 180 approx. The third earthquake was on 13th June 2011 at 5.7 magnitude (1pm) followed by 6.3 (2pm) with a similar location to Februaries event.
Astrological Meaning
To provide meaning to events an astrologer looks for planetary patterns when the event occurred. Ok so what might be the pattern here? First we need to calculate the natal chart for when the town was named Christchurch.  It was named on 27th March 1848 during an association meeting, however by not having the time when this event took place means that we are missing about 80% of the information. Although I have calculated the chart for 27th March 1848 at 12.00am I will only focus on the position of Sun which at this time was 5°59” in Aries. Please note if the chart was calculated for 12.00pm noon then the Sun’s position would be 6°29” which is a significant difference when you looking for close planetary patterns. So you can see why astrologers place such an importance on the time of birth of any astrological chart.
So what was happening astrologically, bearing in mind we don’t have accurate astrological data? When we look at the first event on 4th September 2010 we see Saturn 4°28” in Libra (Saturn ruler of Capricorn – status, authority, structures) was in a square aspect (tension) to the natal sun at 5°59” in Aries.  Pluto (crisis, transformation, death, birth) was at 2°48” in Capricorn (earth sign). We see a weak aspect from transiting Pluto with a 3°11” difference, although Saturn was just over 1°. What is probably interesting is that the earthquake epicentre was 25 miles away which might explain why the effects were less devastating in the centre of Christchurch than in February 2011.
On 22nd February 2011 Pluto was 6°57” in Capricorn and was again a square aspect to the sun – just under 1 degree of being exact. Pluto transit square to the Sun always brings a personal crisis in people’s lives, usually through specific challenging events that make us break away from the past. They may mean experiencing death or losing our home, job or heading for the divorce courts! What probably made things worse in this case was Jupiter (expansion) transit in Aries (action) in conjunction with the Sun at 6°10” Aries.  Jupiter is usually seen as a planet of good fortune in traditional astrology; however, when under a stressful planetary pattern (in this case square to the transit of Pluto) it tends to exaggerate a situation so it makes things much worse, hence such devastation. Note that the epicentre was only 6 miles from the centre of Christchurch. The Sun position could be actually nearer to Jupiter or Pluto if the meeting of association (birth of Christchurch) took place during the daytime e.g. 6°29” at noon.
Just with these couple of planetary patterns we have established that the city was going to go through a radical transformation. Usually you think lightening won’t strike twice but the third quake happened on 13th June 2011 (the epicentre was only 6 miles away same area as in February 2011) when Pluto was moving retrograde (moving backwards) and was 6°33” minutes, again within a degree of the sun 5°59”. Transiting Uranus (Unpredictability, sudden change), in Aries (action) was at 4°16” only 1°43” from the natal Sun position. However, when Uranus eventually conjuncts the Sun in Aries we could see further devastation for Christchurch as it is a very powerful aspect – bringing sudden and unexpected change.
The Future
Ok so what will happen in the future? Will Pluto make more square aspects to the sun position? Well during November and December 2011 Pluto will again make a square pattern to the Sun for the last time so these will be significant months regarding any further earthquakes. However, Uranus is now in Aries and will eventually conjunct the sun position in April and May 2012 and again in September and October 2012 when Pluto is 6°57” Capricorn, 1° away from the Sun in Aries and Neptune returns to the same position 1°22” on 7th September 2012. The Neptunium influence could mean a danger from water or in this case the sea or perhaps a request for massive humanitarian aid. There may also be financial issues due to Neptune (uncertainty) being in the 2nd house (money, possessions).
Uranus makes its final impact on the Sun position in Aries in January-February 2013, with Neptune again playing its role for the last time. Based on the brief and inconclusive astrological data and if astrological patterns actually create events in the real world then we could see further devastation to the Christchurch area in late 2011, during 2012 and 2013. Other potential events that could happen during this time would be a change in political leaders (Uranus in Aries) and government (Pluto Capricorn) and also radical change (Uranus conjunct Sun).
The Past
We also have to take into consideration that Pluto has made similar aspects to its sun position for example in 1918 when the First World War ended - 16,688 New Zealand soldiers died in four years of fighting. It was also the time of the Influenza Epidemic (world-wide) with 8,000 deaths in New Zealand alone and with half of the position contracting the disease. But when Pluto was in opposition to the Sun in 1974 Christchurch held the commonwealth games which was a success!

Neptune in Pisces - Who should advise you in a crisis Psychologist or Psychic?

This blog is about practitioner ethics and how psychology and psychic phenomena are connected by the same symbol Neptune. Although most people may recognise this three-pronged fork or trident as a symbol of the Roman god of Neptune, many might be surprised to see it as a recognised symbol for the social science psychology.

I want to discuss how psychics and astrologers should use ethics in helping and support people in need as I believe this is going to be a contentious issue when Neptune settles within its own sign of Pisces. This blog has been inspired by people I know who have spent hundreds of pounds consulting psychics and astrologers on a regular basis bordering on addiction with feelings of frustration that their problems are still active and present in their lives.

My initial thoughts are will Neptune in Pisces improve this situation or make it worse. Psychology is based on scientific evidence/experiments and pragmatic tools for the client to break free from negative behaviour patterns, depression and other mental illnesses, while psychic phenomena has no scientific boundaries and anyone can set up as a psychic taking on clients without any formal training or ethical process.

Neptune in Pisces could mean novel developments in the field of neuroscience/cognitive science, greater understanding of the unconscious, dreams, collective consciousness and new alternative therapies. At worse, people could become dependent on psychologists, psychics, astrology, counsellors for answers to their problems with an unobtainable wish list or requesting a magic wand (Neptune) as a solution. With psychic phenomena more popular than ever combined with easier access to psychics through telephone and online services, psychics, astrologers and alike are perhaps more likely to be the first port of call for people who are in a crisis. However, from an ethical perspective will they assess people first to see if a client would be better of seeing a psychologist/alternative therapy or will just give them a reading?

Don’t get me wrong both psychic and psychologist can be beneficial and damaging it really depends on the problem. As an astrologer, master practitioner of neuro-linguistic programming and life coach the first thing I learned as a coach was ethics and my limitations in helping people. A coach can help people reach their goals, an astrologer can identify and assess patterns of behaviour that release potential or repeat negative cycles/experiences. A psychic can gain a vision/insight of what may happen in the future. However, when people are sucked into turmoil of a personal crisis there may be underlying issues where a psychic, astrologer or coach needs to direct their clients to alternative practitioners such as a psychologist who can provide a framework and set of tools e.g. cognitive behavioural therapy which allows the individual to break through problems rather than becoming a victim of the planets or dependent and addicted to psychic readings - getting more frustrated because they don’t get the answers they want.

Therefore, as a coach and an astrologer I always assess people to see whether I am best suited to helping clients or refer them to another profession be it psychologist or even a psychic. I hope that when Neptune travels through Pisces there is a blurring of the edges between psychologists and psychics working together in tandem...but in particular psychics and astrologers recognise the need to refer people to another discipline who may have better tools so clients help themselves rather than become a victim to their fate worse still addition (Neptune) and reliance on their favourite psychic or astrologer.

Astrology in Action 1 – Abusive Mother - Father?

Continuing on our journey from the previous blog “The principles of astrology” Eve made a great comment regarding my interpretation of her planetary combination of Moon-Mars-Saturn. My interpretation is based on the Sun representing the father and the Moon the mother. However, Eve felt that because Moon (emotions) - Mars (masculine) was in the 7th (Relationships) was in a square aspect to Saturn in 10th (Father/Career) the expression of this aspect would be more to do with the father relationship. I would agree that it does have something to do with her relationship with her father however; the Moon represents the mother in the astrological chart therefore the interpretation. All aspect act on different levels. For instance the Moon-Mars would show a mother to be very protective (Moon), fighting (Mars) for their child against the father (Saturn in 10th house). It would also demonstrate that living with Eve’s father would have been very difficult and tense (Moon-Mars-Saturn) so not surprising her mother suffered from deep depression (Moon-Saturn) and tried to escape the frustration and difficulties of a controlling husband (Mars-Saturn -10th house). Eve worked in a family business with her father - Moon (family) – Mars (enterprise) square to Saturn (father) in 10th house (Career) it a frustrating experience (Mars-Saturn) of battling (Mars) with a controlling (Saturn) father.

Ok, so did you have a difficult relationship with your mother or father? Let’s look at some planetary combinations – if you know your chart take a look while reading this blog and see if it makes sense. First of all what is your sun sign? This represents your father’s personality which will be greatly influenced by the planetary aspects it receives from other planets at birth. So let’s look at some difficult planetary aspects and see if they make sense. Sun-Moon - conflict between father (Sun) and mother (Moon) so unsettled childhood due to difficult marriage. If your Sun makes a difficult aspect to the other planets e.g. Mars (violent), Jupiter (excess e.g. alcohol), Saturn (authoritarian), Uranus (abrupt changes), Neptune (absent), Pluto (abuse/controlling)...By using extremes of behaviour it makes it easier to learn the basic principles of what is happening. This does not mean that everyone with a negative Sun aspect with Mars, Jupiter, Saturn, Uranus, Neptune or Pluto will necessarily experience the above but they will experience some fundamental challenging relationship with the father depending on the type of energies in action. Let’s now look at a combination. Sun-Venus: (note that this aspect can only be a conjunction aspect 0-8 degree a part). In a female chart this represents daddy’s little girl, demonstrating affection, love, support, encouragement – he child adores her father. However, if we mix it up a bit the picture dramatically changes. If the Sun-Venus was in a difficult planetary aspect with Mars or Pluto then these planets would create a platform for sexual abuse and emotional-sexual-power struggles. Neptune and Uranus can also be associated with sexual abuse usually through glamour and deception (Neptune) or Uranus (unconventional relationship with father), although Uranus and Neptune may show different forms of expression such as the father is an absent parent (Neptune) and the child creates a fantasy of the father figure making him perfect in every way..but when he appears on the scene she becomes disillusioned as he turns out be quite different – may be turning to alcohol or drugs. Uranus shows the father disappearing suddenly and unexpectedly! Perhaps never to be seen of again. Saturn would create the unloving father who cannot demonstrate affection and will make it challenging for the child to building satisfactory relationships with well as poor self-esteem and the frustration of not been able to attract men easily. Usually women who have suffered bad abuse from their fathers may turn to women for a partner rather than a man..or even someone they feel they can rescue from a difficult past.

So what about the mother, again you need to find out your Moon sign to demonstrate your mother’s personality.. if the Moon (mother) makes a difficult aspect to Mercury (movement) the child would experience a restless childhood which may have had a negative impact on their education (Mercury) due to moving house (Moon) regularly. Moon-Venus may show a lazy mother or one that is jealously her daughter’s good looks and charm. While men with this may suffer with problems concerning affection especially if this aspect is influenced by Mars (abusive), Saturn (strict-cold mother), Uranus (mother walks out!), Neptune (mother as victim – alcohol/drugs or Pluto (controlling mother – manipulative)..obviously with some of these planetary combinations males find it difficult to have a satisfying marriage or long term relationship if they have encountered such a challenging upbringing...and in some case men go on to abusing women..still dealing with the childhood problems.

However, this blog is to explain why some of us have challenging parent issues in later life and how they can affect our relationships in adult life. Although the whole chart needs to be assessed before any conclusion can be decided anyone with the challenging aspects mentioned in this blog will find it difficult to imagine parents who were caring, supportive, loving and affectionate. However, this does not mean that everyone with such a past needs to continue a road of disillusionment or disappointment in relationships in adult life...there is always a way of breaking through the past and to lead a very positive and happy life...I could have written pages on this blog...but thought I would leave it to other to chip great to hear your comments and experiences that you can share.

Are Computerised Astrological Reports Accurate or a Waste of Money?

Being an astrologer for over thirty years I have seen very little change in how computerised astrological reports are generated. They even make out that size matter’s – the longer the report the better value for money, when in fact the report is a series of generalised assumptions about specific planetary positions and aspects in your chart based on your full birth date, time and place of birth. These fragmented reports offer the client little value and personal detail with interpretations that could apply to anyone – overall they are a waste of money and damage the reputation of astrology.

I remember when I had my first astrological computerised astrological report back in the mid 1970’s but was quite basic even though it was produced  by the well known astrologer Roger Elliott. You would have thought with technology advances a computer would be able to correctly synthesise a chart and produce stunning astrological interpretations. However, things have not changed. Although astrology is based on simple three core principles the twelve zodiac signs, the planets (including the Sun and Moon) and twelve houses (life experiences), it becomes more complex to synthesise the chart and identify what are the strong and weak planets or astrological configuration in the chart?

Although it is in part a process of elimination the computerised reading falls over because the programme cannot go to this level of understanding creatively and in such detail. However, it has not stopped the growth in people and organisations in exploiting this mass production approach to astrological interpretation preying on the lack of understanding of the public and lining their pockets! Due to the media culture promoting the generalised horoscopes (horror scopes) has provided a solid platform for this phenomenon because after reading so much waffle over the decades it’s not surprising that people doesn’t expect much from astrology so a computerised report may seem appealing and interesting! Don’t get me wrong astrological software has been widely used since the early 1990’s and is very fast and accurate for calculating a chart or derivatives such as a progressed/converse, composite, relationship, meeting or solar return chart to name a few. So it is an excellent tool for the amateur and professional astrologer.

However, like I said earlier the software in its present form cannot be used to accurately interpret an astrological chart because reading a chart properly has to be done spontaneously and creatively where as a computer deciphers the astrological terminology in a robotic language and churns out generalised planetary configurations that has been programmed. For example if you had Mercury conjunct Mars in your chart the computer would just provide some text describing this configuration e.g. you speak your mind etc. However the paragraph of waffle that follows does not take into consideration of what this configuration really means or its relationship to the rest of the chart. A professional astrologer would have to weigh up what these planets mean in relation to other astrological data in the birthchart. For instance is Mercury conjunct Mars linked to any other planets and what are their sign and house position. Whether either planet may be the ruling planet of the chart or rising (near the ascendant) or cumulating (near the MC) as you can see there are many different issues to consider the list goes on.

Chart interpretation is a complex, creative and dynamic process that should be delivered in a fluent, spontaneous way which makes sense to the client. Importantly it requires attention to detail and a synthesis of the whole chart which a computer cannot presently deliver....Yes anyone can start a business doing astrological only costs £200+ and your off!

Until we integrate artificial intelligence and affective computing into computerised astrological reports you will just receive a report that has little astrological value but a good money making scheme for others!

Challenging Times for Prime Minister David Cameron and Coalition?

Taking a brief look at David Cameron’s astrological chart we can see that he will have a difficult time as prime minster with the breakup of the coalition in 2012-13. With Pluto squaring his ruling planet Venus (values/how we relate to others)  in Libra (politics/partners/open enemies) we can see that the last month would have been very challenging because all of his relationships will be under a great deal of pressure including his marriage. It also shows how he is enforcing (Pluto) his own values (Venus) onto other people. So it’s not surprising of his intervention in Libya and importantly now acting as a rival against Nick Clegg in the battle for a new voting system in the UK. Even if he wins this battle it will show the starting point of serious cracks in the coalition. The Venus Pluto influence will be strong again in January 2012. However things will get much worse for him as Uranus in Aries is in opposition to Venus in May-June 2012. We might start to see massive demonstrations and conflict on the streets on the UK by will certainly be a very stressful time for him and the coalition...critical peaks are late July, August when not only Uranus opposes Venus but Pluto is square at the same time followed by Pluto Venus square in September and October. Depending on his time of birth some of these events may happen earlier as his ascendant could be at 29 degrees Virgo (5.51am) rather than 12 degrees Libra (6.00am). This is a very tough time for him especially when Uranus enters his 7th house (partnerships, open enemies) people go through a divorce or separation during these transits and for politicians it can mean war or civil extreme examples we could see similar riots as in the middle east especially if at these crucial times we have another collapse of the banks (Pluto in Capricorn) we progress further 2013 and 2014 things will get even worse for him and therefore will be surprised if he is still leader of the conservative party and that the coalition has not the worst his popularity and reputation will be in tatters...still he has his £40 million inherited fortune to take the edge of things (Sun conjunct Venus midpoint Ascendant in Libra, Taurus rules 8th cusp  – Moon conjunction with Jupiter in Leo – family wealth).

Uranus-Neptune The Social Network – Connection, Illusion or Isolation?

It’s probably not surprising that the internet was commercialised in 1995 the year Uranus (technology) entered Aquarius (11th house connection to society, social groups and friends). Perhaps with Pluto (new beginnings) entering Sagittarius (knowledge) in 1995 made a serious contribution to a worldwide cultural shift with mass appeal and obsession (Pluto) in using new ways to obtain knowledge and communicate (Sagittarius) through technology (Uranus in Aquarius).

At the same time the internet was on the commercial radar the first social networks were launched (1995), Geocities (1994) and (1995). By the late 1990’s there were a new bred of social networking sites. User profiles were introduced which allowed you to add friends (Uranus in Aquarius). In 1998 Neptune entered Aquarius; Neptune’s role in the social network has been critical in creating illusion and addiction.

Do you really know who your friend is? Is their profile a product of someone’s imagination or fantasy? Through an avatar or personal profile we can be anyone. It’s socially acceptable to add a photo of yourself or remain anonymous using image of something else (Neptune). The culture of Second life is to create an avatar that is more fantasy than reality (Neptune) you can choose from sex, age, appearance, clothes etc - be slim, attractive or whatever you want to be. Although Second life was launched in 2003 (Uranus in Pisces) the project was initiated in Linden labs in 1999 when Neptune (Fantasy) entered Aquarius (Technology) for the final time.

MySpace, LinkedIn and Bebo were also launched in 2003 when Uranus entered Pisces and Neptune in Aquarius. While Facebook was introduced in February 2004 (Sun conjunct Neptune in Aquarius and Uranus at 1 degree Pisces). Facebook has since driven the social networking phenomena.

So if we are more connected now than ever how come we have become more isolated? Ok when did you have your last quality face to face conversation? – do not include Skype, although you can connect face to face you can still multi task, use email, instant message etc while speaking to your beloved aunt Mable from Australia, without her knowing as she can’t see your keyboard! You only have to go to a restaurant these days and watch a young couple who spend more time texting on their phones rather than engaging together in conversation..or even communicating together at home through Facebook! With social networking we tend to communicate addictively (Neptune) in isolation (Neptune) and emotional detached (Uranus) through email, instant messaging and texting. Instead of talking face to face we have become attached to the screens of our mobile phones, PC or other digital devices (Uranus) rather than the people we want to connect with. Technology was suppose to make our lives less stressful, reduce work and easier communication...instead we are busier than ever and that trend may increase with Uranus (technology) in Aries (action).

While Uranus in Aquarius signifies technology and perhaps an unconscious desire to connect in a new and different way to society. Neptune has added the elements of illusion, fantasy, addiction and isolation. Perhaps as Uranus now moves into Aries we shall see more radical technological advances, while Neptune in Pisces will drive the illusion and addiction of connecting to family and friends through social networking. Therefore, creating a new reality for ourselves, family and friends and blurring of boundaries between life and fantasy. At the same time will we become more isolated in fear of engaging in face to face social events and conversation?