Wednesday, 17 August 2011

Uranus-Neptune The Social Network – Connection, Illusion or Isolation?

It’s probably not surprising that the internet was commercialised in 1995 the year Uranus (technology) entered Aquarius (11th house connection to society, social groups and friends). Perhaps with Pluto (new beginnings) entering Sagittarius (knowledge) in 1995 made a serious contribution to a worldwide cultural shift with mass appeal and obsession (Pluto) in using new ways to obtain knowledge and communicate (Sagittarius) through technology (Uranus in Aquarius).

At the same time the internet was on the commercial radar the first social networks were launched (1995), Geocities (1994) and (1995). By the late 1990’s there were a new bred of social networking sites. User profiles were introduced which allowed you to add friends (Uranus in Aquarius). In 1998 Neptune entered Aquarius; Neptune’s role in the social network has been critical in creating illusion and addiction.

Do you really know who your friend is? Is their profile a product of someone’s imagination or fantasy? Through an avatar or personal profile we can be anyone. It’s socially acceptable to add a photo of yourself or remain anonymous using image of something else (Neptune). The culture of Second life is to create an avatar that is more fantasy than reality (Neptune) you can choose from sex, age, appearance, clothes etc - be slim, attractive or whatever you want to be. Although Second life was launched in 2003 (Uranus in Pisces) the project was initiated in Linden labs in 1999 when Neptune (Fantasy) entered Aquarius (Technology) for the final time.

MySpace, LinkedIn and Bebo were also launched in 2003 when Uranus entered Pisces and Neptune in Aquarius. While Facebook was introduced in February 2004 (Sun conjunct Neptune in Aquarius and Uranus at 1 degree Pisces). Facebook has since driven the social networking phenomena.

So if we are more connected now than ever how come we have become more isolated? Ok when did you have your last quality face to face conversation? – do not include Skype, although you can connect face to face you can still multi task, use email, instant message etc while speaking to your beloved aunt Mable from Australia, without her knowing as she can’t see your keyboard! You only have to go to a restaurant these days and watch a young couple who spend more time texting on their phones rather than engaging together in conversation..or even communicating together at home through Facebook! With social networking we tend to communicate addictively (Neptune) in isolation (Neptune) and emotional detached (Uranus) through email, instant messaging and texting. Instead of talking face to face we have become attached to the screens of our mobile phones, PC or other digital devices (Uranus) rather than the people we want to connect with. Technology was suppose to make our lives less stressful, reduce work and easier communication...instead we are busier than ever and that trend may increase with Uranus (technology) in Aries (action).

While Uranus in Aquarius signifies technology and perhaps an unconscious desire to connect in a new and different way to society. Neptune has added the elements of illusion, fantasy, addiction and isolation. Perhaps as Uranus now moves into Aries we shall see more radical technological advances, while Neptune in Pisces will drive the illusion and addiction of connecting to family and friends through social networking. Therefore, creating a new reality for ourselves, family and friends and blurring of boundaries between life and fantasy. At the same time will we become more isolated in fear of engaging in face to face social events and conversation? 

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