Wednesday, 17 August 2011

Challenging Times for Prime Minister David Cameron and Coalition?

Taking a brief look at David Cameron’s astrological chart we can see that he will have a difficult time as prime minster with the breakup of the coalition in 2012-13. With Pluto squaring his ruling planet Venus (values/how we relate to others)  in Libra (politics/partners/open enemies) we can see that the last month would have been very challenging because all of his relationships will be under a great deal of pressure including his marriage. It also shows how he is enforcing (Pluto) his own values (Venus) onto other people. So it’s not surprising of his intervention in Libya and importantly now acting as a rival against Nick Clegg in the battle for a new voting system in the UK. Even if he wins this battle it will show the starting point of serious cracks in the coalition. The Venus Pluto influence will be strong again in January 2012. However things will get much worse for him as Uranus in Aries is in opposition to Venus in May-June 2012. We might start to see massive demonstrations and conflict on the streets on the UK by will certainly be a very stressful time for him and the coalition...critical peaks are late July, August when not only Uranus opposes Venus but Pluto is square at the same time followed by Pluto Venus square in September and October. Depending on his time of birth some of these events may happen earlier as his ascendant could be at 29 degrees Virgo (5.51am) rather than 12 degrees Libra (6.00am). This is a very tough time for him especially when Uranus enters his 7th house (partnerships, open enemies) people go through a divorce or separation during these transits and for politicians it can mean war or civil extreme examples we could see similar riots as in the middle east especially if at these crucial times we have another collapse of the banks (Pluto in Capricorn) we progress further 2013 and 2014 things will get even worse for him and therefore will be surprised if he is still leader of the conservative party and that the coalition has not the worst his popularity and reputation will be in tatters...still he has his £40 million inherited fortune to take the edge of things (Sun conjunct Venus midpoint Ascendant in Libra, Taurus rules 8th cusp  – Moon conjunction with Jupiter in Leo – family wealth).

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