Wednesday, 17 August 2011

Is England ready for the Revolution in 2012-2013?

Since Pluto entered Capricorn we have seen the global financial markets collapse, more destructive earthquakes and volcanic eruptions that grounded airlines around the world. We have also seen ordinary people take to the street and fight their oppressive leaders of dictatorial governments in the Middle East (e.g. Egypt, Syria, Libya and Tunisa to name a few)...however where will the next revolution start (Uranus in Aries), with the continuing collapse of the global financial systems start in the UK?

England is vulnerable to a significant economic and political transformation in the next 2-3 years. Astrologically, with Pluto and Uranus being particularly active in Mr Camerons and England’s birthchart challenging times are ahead. So are the recent riots a warning of what is to come?

Everyone would agree the recent UK riots were shocking and devastating. For many people suffered the destruction of their businesses, property and families grieve for the loss of their loved ones. While in the aftermath everyone is now trying to piece this puzzle together as society tries to find meaning behind such violence and greed. When we combine human nature and tragedy we have to find someone to blame, the rioter’s greed, the government, poverty, parents, the list goes on. Although digressing for a moment. What I find most interesting about this debate is the usual knee jerk reaction by privileged politicians who lack empathy regarding the decay in our society whether it’s the greed of rioters or cultural deprivation. For example psychiatrists and psychologists used to study mentally ill patients to find out the causes behind mental illness, however they learned more about prevention when they studied people who did NOT have a mental illness – a shift in approach (Pluto in Capricorn or Uranus in Aries – novel ideas for change)?

Violent Britain
I am sure a lot of you are old enough to remember the race riots back in early 1980’s which was on a larger scale and longer period than last week’s riot’s. Thousands of people took to the streets in all major cities using demonstrations as a mask for violence clashing with opposing demonstrators and Police. We also had the miner’s strikes in the mid 1980’s which paralysed our country with Police road blocks and violent clashes between the picket lines and police. The poll tax riots destroyed central London shops with protestors having running battles with Police in the 1980’s. As a passionate footballer and supporter I saw the aftermath of violence on a horrific scale during the 1970’s every week year after year. Fans died on a regular basis being stabbed or beaten to death. In those days you were more worried about survival than watching your favourite team. You were constantly in fear of being attacked whether a home or at an away game, bearing in mind I was not even a teenager at the time and exposed to these levels of violence. Society on a global perspective has gang cultures, poverty and the wealth divide - so what is different about what happened last week and what has this anything to do with Pluto in Capricorn and Uranus in Aries?

Capricorn represents the economy, government infrastructure, authority and politics, while Pluto effect’s us through transformation, violence and crisis. Aries represents action, pioneers, enterprise, while Uranus effect’s us through shock, sudden change, inventions, revolution and humanitarian instincts. So it’s not surprising we are seeing uprisings and revolutions taking place against repressive governments and nations in the Middle East, however what might surprise some us is that this could spread to western society as we move into 2012 as people revolt against the repressive western culture, failure of government economic policies to maintain existing financial systems (greed).

As Pluto moves through Capricorn and Uranus in Aries in 2012 the world economy will undergo a shift of power as our financial systems are in decay with economic depression and increased anxiety governments will not be able to cling to existing structures. With more countries going bust and limited resources western culture will have to make radical changes especially when Uranus squares Pluto in 2012-2013. Although our resources (Capricorn) are at an all time low world-wide technology could bring us the answers with Uranus (invention/technology) in Aries (pioneering)...but this may come at great expense (Pluto) as politician’s fear of change and try to cling to power (Capricorn).

Pluto first conjuncts the Midheaven (MC) and the Sun of England’s chart during in Jan-July 2012 (June & July are peak months when Uranus makes a square aspect to the Midheaven). The possible outcomes could be social unrest on a bigger scale than last week, the breakup of the coalition, Cameron resigning (or pushed out by his own party), financial market meltdown, natural disaster, terrorist attack....or a fresh perspective – new financial structures (e.g. the greedy bankers/politicians or rioters no longer hold the power)..or even a radical new invention that transforms society (Uranus in Aries). What is interesting is that Neptune (deception/illusions) is square to England’s 2nd house cusp (finances) at the same time which could mean some sort of financial manipulation or financial scandal that rocks the country (deception) by politicians or collapse of the financial markets...although typically with Neptune involved it might be pushed under the carpet (deception)..only later to be revealed in Oct-Dec 2012...perhaps more about the Murdoch scandal linked to politicians?

However, the main events are more likely around April 2013 and Oct-Nov 2013...Jan 2014 would mark a new year with a new beginning – again a radical departure from existing financial structures or government policy. If there was an election during this time we could see the rise of the green party (well that would be radical). One thing is for certain if our politicians don’t change with the times and tackle our historical problems of greed and decay in society they won’t hold power for long! Radical new thinking and perspectives will provide an easier transformation of society; however being typically human we will opt for the most challenging route – why change the habit of a life time!


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