Wednesday, 17 August 2011

Are you destined for fame?

With TV reality programmes such as big brother and the x factor having such an impact on young people today it’s not surprising that we have created a generation that just aspire to become famous. To me fame is an exaggeration of people who want to feel special, unique, gain recognition and above seeking love and attention.

However, I thought it might be a good idea to start a discussion about the significant astrological factors in the birthchart that may indicate fame. First let’s look at some early scientific evidence that was produced in the 1950’s by Michael Gauqelin a psychologist and statistician. Although he took an interest in astrology at a very early age he was opposed to the use of astrology. In his research into astrology he studied the diurnal distribution of the planets in thousands of accurately timed birthcharts. His work in the mid fifties demonstrated that people who were well known for their success in a particular profession would have either the Moon, Mars, Jupiter or Saturn placed in a specific area of the birthchart e.g. 3rd, 6th, 9th and 12th houses. The conclusions of this study indicated that cadent houses (3rd, 6th, 7th, 12th) were more significant than angular houses (1st, 4th, 7th and 10th) when determining the career or character than previously suspected.

1.    Moon was found in cadent houses in the charts of writers and politicians
2.    Mars was found in cadent houses in the charts of military leaders, physicians, top sports people and executives.
3.    Jupiter was found in cadent houses in the charts of actors, playwrights, politicians, military leaders, top executives and journalists.
4.    Saturn was found in cadent houses in the charts of scientists and physicians.

Through my experience as an astrologer I have found specific factors in people’s charts who seek fame. The planet Neptune is usually strongly placed in the birthchart because it is connected with unreality, illusion, glamour, seduction, fantasy, music, dance, acting, modelling, the arts or the dreamer personality.  Many famous people have found fame difficult to live with having their life exposed 24/7 to the public and due to its illusionary and deceptive nature. When it gets too much to handle self-destructive tendencies (Neptune) emerge through addiction, excessive alcohol or through a scandal. The nature of fame increases pressure on individuals to perform to perfection. This is to ensure they have a high profile position in society, however, this can be very challenging to maintain 24/7. Neptune is like fame due to its illusionary nature - one moment your famous the next you’re forgotten like yesterday’s news! There is also strong link to people who become famous and have Sun-Neptune in aspect in their birthchart. People with this aspect have a very vivid imagination, are creative, attracted to glamour or a spiritual ideal, a dreamer, artistic or saviour...but can also be self-destructive through drug use, playing the victim due to an absent father, abuse or neglect. Some famous people who have Sun-Neptune aspect: Susan Sarandon, Christina Aguilera, Michael Douglas, Jennifer Aniston, Kevin Costner, Cameron Diaz, Sheena Easton, Mick Jagger, Farrah Fawcett, Muhammad Ali, Paul McKenna and Amy Whitehouse.

Apart from Sun-Neptune the sign Leo can be associated with fame especially if the moon (popularity) is placed in Leo and near a critical angle of the birthchart. For example Margaret Thatcher has Moon-Neptune conjunct in Leo (cadent house 9th) but conjunct her MC indicating fame...while Saturn on her ascendant in Scorpio (authoritarian/dictator). Sometimes fame can be shown through the planet that rules the ascendant sign (e.g Pluto is rulership for Scorpio). Paul McKenna has Scorpio rising and Pluto conjunct his Midheaven (MC) which could signify a rise to prominence. Tony Blair has Mars-Jupiter in Gemini conjunct his ascendant an excellent placement for a lawyer, politician, military leader and communicator.

However I have only covered about 1% of this interesting yet complex subject plus have only provided a few examples to whet your appetite. To provide and accurate assessment you need to know your full birth date, exact time of birth and place of birth. The astrologer then needs to assess the different planetary configurations in your chart. Usually I find that if you have a planet near the ascendant or midheaven (MC) it will transform your life when activated by planetary transits, (Jupiter, Saturn, Uranus, Neptune and Pluto) or progressions and converse directions (Sun, Mercury, Venus, Mars or ruling planet). The late Ronald Davison states in his book Technique of prediction that only permanent fame can be achieved under solar progressions and converse directions.

Let me know your thoughts or astrological experiences.


Micheal Gauquelin           

Sasportas.H., The Twelve houses 1985 Thorsons, London

Davidson.R., Technique of Prediction 1955 Fowler, London

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